JAC: Light-bulb sales exceeded 15,000 in May

In May, the sales volume of Jianghuai light trucks exceeded 15,000 units, up 25% year-on-year, and cumulative sales for the first five months reached 62,129 units, an increase of 19.98% over the same period of last year. The increase was among the highest in the light truck industry.

Since January, with the promotion of a series of policies and measures to support automobile consumption, consumer confidence has improved, the domestic auto market has stabilized, and car sales have increased month by month. In the first quarter of this year, the domestic automobile market ended the downward trend in the fourth quarter of last year, and both production and sales achieved a slight increase. The total sales volume of light trucks in the first quarter (including second-class chassis vehicles) was 338,886, which represented a year-on-year increase of 2%. The light-duty truck market gradually recovered. In May and May, the growth trend in the first quarter continued, and the light-card market was fully recovered, among which the growth rate of light trucks in Jianghuai significantly accelerated.

In response, the person in charge of the network management department of JAC Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd. believes: “The recovery of the entire light truck industry was primarily due to the promotion of consumer confidence by the national policy. As far as JAC light trucks were concerned, the product structure adjustment was completed as early as last year. At the same time, the marketing network will be extended downwards, and efforts will be made to open up the second and third tier markets and breakthroughs will be made in key markets. The sales performance of 62,000 vehicles from January to May will be reflected in the early market deployment and integrated marketing effects of the JAC light trucks.”

Precise positioning to meet the needs of different users

In recent years, with the development of the rural economy, the demand for high-quality light trucks has also been greatly improved. Jianghuai has seen this business opportunity, extended its product line at an appropriate time, and launched a timely and affordable rural-urban market. With excellent cost-effective luck series.

JAC Luck series inherits the high quality and cost-effective features of JAC light trucks. It optimizes and adjusts the entire vehicle unit. The tonnage ranges from 0.7 tons to 2 tons, and the cabinets are from 2 meters to 4 meters. Different power sections are well adapted to match. The different transportation needs of the rural market. In the same kind of products, the low weight makes the fuel consumption better than similar products, nearly 3-5 percent of 100 kilometers of fuel-efficient; starting price of only 29,800 yuan, these bright spots have become a popular magic weapon for the good luck in the rural market

In this year's sales, the performance of good luck is particularly prominent. Compared with the same period of last year, good luck sales reached 20094, an increase of up to 288%.

After constant adjustment, in December 2008, JAC Light Trucks completed the integration of the brand, forming five sub-brands: Shuai Ling, Wei Ling, Chun Ling, Kang Ling, and Lucky Luck. The perfect and reasonable product structure meets the needs of different levels of consumers, making it easy for consumers to distinguish the price ranges and product characteristics of different sub-brands, enhance the competitiveness of the five sub-brands of JAC light trucks in various market segments, and further expand the market. Share.

The network sinks to better serve the majority of users

In addition to having good products, we must have a sound and reasonable network in order to deliver quality products to township users. Since 2008, Jianghuai Light Trucks has extended its marketing network to third-tier and fourth-tier markets on the basis of the original 80 4S stores, nearly 300 first-tier dealers and 500 second-tier distributors, such as established in some counties and townships. "Jianghuai Luck" franchise stores and new agent dealers in the blank districts and counties have greatly solved the problems of difficulties for farmers in buying cars and service.

Sinking with the sales network is the management and optimization of JAC light trucks on the second and third level networks. On the one hand, Jianghuai Light Truck Co., Ltd. released the "National Uniform Price, All Rights and Interests" message at the beginning of 2009, effectively providing consumers with discounted car prices at a more affordable and transparent price, and eliminating dealers' price increases. On the other hand, the construction of a unified service and fittings system enables “where the car is sold and where the service follows”. The implementation of these measures has given users a lot of psychological stability and further promoted the continuous sales of the top five brands.

Expanding into the west and expanding into the west

In 2009, while perfecting the product structure and launching a marketing service network, Jianghuai Light Trucks launched a “Northern Expansion” strategy to achieve major breakthroughs in regional markets. Taking the Beijing market as an example, in response to Beijing Huangbiao vehicle replacement and the construction of a green team, JAC has issued special preferential policies for Beijing, and participated in the green fleet product promotion meeting, held a green car delivery ceremony and invited customers from Beijing to Jianghuai. , Experiencing the State III light truck JAC marketing activities, effectively promoted sales of JAC light trucks in the Beijing area. From January to May, sales of JAC light trucks in the Beijing area reached more than 3,000 vehicles, an increase of 130% year-on-year. The same sales situation also appeared in the northeast, southwest and other markets. According to statistics, from January to May, the JAC light trucks increased by 129.5% year-on-year in the Northeast market and by 63.06% year-on-year in the southwest market.

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