"Three aspects" to grasp the future opportunities of agricultural development

[China Agricultural Machinery Industry News] In recent years, a series of policies have been introduced along with land transfer and agricultural supply side reform. The future direction of modern agricultural development has "seven transformations". How to seize opportunities and promote the development of modern agriculture is the primary problem currently facing.
"Three aspects" to grasp the future opportunities of agricultural development
At present, all parts of the country are accelerating the structural reform of the agricultural supply side. In essence, it is to promote the leap-forward development of traditional agriculture in China to modern agriculture. To this end, we will build this main line around modern agriculture and put forward our own ideas and prospects on the characteristics, direction and strategic opportunities of China's agricultural future development.
Characteristics of future agriculture
The characteristics of future agriculture. (1) Sustainable. Sustainable development is a requirement of the essence of modern agriculture. There are three basic characteristics of sustainable agricultural development: the scale of agricultural production is coordinated with the capacity of resources. Second, the interests of the main body of the agricultural industry chain have been optimized, the interest linkage mechanism is reasonable, and the relevant stakeholders in the agricultural industry are growing in an associated manner. Third, innovation in the modern agricultural industrial system has become possible. (2) Multi-functionality and industrial integration. The versatility of agriculture creates the innovative development of modern agricultural multi-industry and creates conditions for the integration of modern agricultural industries. (3) Safe food and ecological friendliness. The primary function of modern agriculture is to produce and provide safe agricultural products and to provide resources for the development of other industries. This is the main function of agriculture as an industrial development. (four). The broad-based agriculture has two aspects: the utilization of agricultural bio-energy, and the income from agricultural production. Modern agriculture requires that the comparative income of the agricultural industry is showing a growing trend. This is the internal driving force for the sustainable development of modern agriculture in China. (5) Armed with modern science and technology. First of all, modern equipment is widely used. Second, modern agriculture has become an important industrial carrier for the application of modern technological achievements. Third, the use of modern management methods to develop modern agriculture. (6) Competitiveness. The comprehensive competitiveness of modern agriculture is mainly manifested in: based on industrial resources such as germplasm resources, production conditions and so on. Second, it has a strong manufacturing capability. Third, it has sufficient market possession ability to meet market needs and has the ability to market in the future. Fourth, brand influence and technological innovation capability have become important support for competitiveness.
The future direction of modern agricultural development. (1) Marketization. (2) Intelligent. (3) Globalization. (4) Industrialization. (5) Regionalization. (6) Ecological cycle. (7) Convergence.
Seize the development opportunities in innovation
(1) Promote resource innovation and establish multi-disciplinary agriculture. First, innovate germplasm resources. Use molecular technology and other "high, precise, and sharp" technical means to carry out innovation in germplasm resources. Secondly, focusing on the development needs of agricultural diversified industries, we will give full play to the characteristics of agricultural multi-functionality and innovate new agricultural industrial resources, such as the innovation of agricultural tourism resources and the innovation of agricultural industrial raw material resources. Third, innovate production resources. Fourth, innovate regional market resources. Mainly to build the brand and integrated service platform and build the manufacturing and communication capabilities of the hot spots.
(2) Promote product innovation and establish modern market agriculture. The starting point of agricultural product innovation is to promote the transformation of agricultural raw material products into agricultural commercial products, and at the same time, carry out product R&D innovation for the diversified needs of regional markets. Innovate and diversify products according to multi-industry integration, and create a product system combining tangible products with intangible products.
(3) Promote marketing innovation and create a regional market service complex. Change the wholesale market model of traditional small farmers as the main body, and create a market model with modern comprehensive, e-commerce and traditional stores. For the global regional market, create a marketing system that combines online and offline, fixed and mobile, and combines business with micro-business. Change the single self-production and sales model to create a comprehensive, windowed, and service sales consortium. Promote experience marketing innovation.
(4) Promote market innovation and build a modern agricultural market. First, promote the construction of a unified market system for national integration. Secondly, innovate the market function and give full play to the service functions of the market. Third, change the local market to a regional market. Fourth, based on the current situation of agricultural business entities and market changes, and the network, create a distinctive new modern market.
Grasping development opportunities in transformation and upgrading
Transformation and upgrading is a major strategic choice for China's traditional agriculture to move toward modern agriculture.
(1) Grasping new opportunities in the transition. First, look for new regional markets. Second, look for a new crowd market. Third, look for seasonal markets such as time.
(2) New development in the upgrade. Focus on product innovation, embody "name, special, excellent, new, and odd", pay attention to nutrition and function; second, focus on product positioning with quality products; third, combine product operation with knowledge dissemination, product consumption and experience consumption .
(3) Do a good job in three tasks. In essence, if a region or an agricultural enterprise wants to truly achieve transformation and upgrading, it must determine the service object, analyze the object requirements, and do a good job of resource allocation and strategic layout.
Seize the development opportunities in open innovation
(1) Open is to jump out. (1) Jump out of the local. To change the local positioning to regional positioning, to achieve the transformation of the local market to the regional market, you must jump out of the local and go to the region. (2) Jump out of the country. Change the domestic market positioning as the global market positioning. (3) Jumping out of agriculture. First of all, jumping out of traditional agriculture and innovating modern agriculture in accordance with industrial methods are inevitable requirements for future agricultural development. Second, jump out of traditional agricultural products. Realize the commercialization and productization of agricultural products. Third, jump out of the single industry function. Forming a diversified industrial form is the main feature of modern agriculture. (4) Exchange and cooperation. From the perspective of agriculture and the external environment, we must promote cooperation between agriculture and related industries. From the perspective of agriculture, the industrialization model based on the rational interest linkage mechanism is built around the whole industry chain.
(2) Innovation is to change. First, change the concept of development. Without the modernization of ideas, there would be no modernization of agriculture, and it would be impossible to create modern agriculture. Second, innovative ways of doing business. Change one family to cooperative operation, change from production to sales for production and marketing, change single industry to cluster innovation, change experience agriculture to science and technology agriculture, change traditional stores to “online and offline”, etc. These are inevitable for future agricultural development. Innovation direction.
Seize the development opportunities in the implementation of the new policy
(1) Adjusting the structure.
First of all, we must adjust to the direction of fine agriculture. Organic ecological functional agricultural products are the form of fine agricultural products. Second, adjust to the direction of benefit. Through the development of modern agriculture, farmers can increase their income-increasing capacity. Enterprises develop their modern agriculture to enhance their profitability and develop rapidly. Third, adjust to the direction of sustainable development. Promote the development of rural undertakings through the development of modern agriculture, improve and optimize the ecological environment, and promote the improvement of comprehensive agricultural production capacity. Fourth, adjust to the direction of market-oriented agriculture. Establish a new type of agricultural industrialization operation mode that is oriented to market demand and combines supply and demand. Fifth, adjust to the direction of meeting market demand. Sixth, we will adjust to the direction of promoting regional development and coordinated development of the national economy.
(2) Complement the short board.
Adjusting the structure and complementing the short board is a concrete measure to promote the transformation of traditional agriculture to modern agriculture.
Shortcomings are the limiting factors affecting the overall development of the social economy. Understanding the shortcomings of agricultural development has three perspectives: First, grasp the shortcomings of agricultural development from the overall requirements of the goal of building a well-off society in China. Second, grasp the shortcomings from the requirements of agriculture's own sustainable development capabilities. Third, grasp the shortcomings from the goal orientation of agricultural industry development.
At present, the shortcomings of agricultural development are mainly manifested: the increase in farmers' income is slow only through the development of traditional agriculture. To solve the problem of slow increase in farmers' income, it is necessary to improve the peasants' income-increasing capacity as the starting point and the foothold. Through the development of agriculture, the peasants' profitability can be improved. At the same time, by vigorously developing new industries, they can broaden the income channels for farmers and create conditions for farmers' income. . Second, production and living infrastructure are relatively lagging behind. Improve the overall level of rural social and economic development by improving the level of rural infrastructure and improving the service and support capacity to meet farmers' lives and new industrial operations. Third, the quality of comprehensive conditions for agricultural production has declined. Starting from the comprehensive production capacity of agriculture, we will strengthen the improvement of natural conditions, optimize the natural agro-ecology, and enhance the capacity of agricultural comprehensive value creation.
(3) Supply side innovation.
1. To create new demands. First, we must adapt to new needs. With the improvement of people's living standards, the healthier, more nutritious and more functional needs are becoming the mainstream of consumption, and people are eager for ecological, organic and functional nutritional products. With the rapid development of the Internet, people's consumption behaviors and methods are also changing. Combined with consumer experience and cultural consumption, it is subverting traditional consumer concepts and models. Adapting to these new demands is a prerequisite for innovating new demands. Second, we need future needs. It is a future-oriented development process that promotes the gradual transformation of potential demand into real demand. The focus of future needs is to accurately grasp the direction of future demand, carry out product research and development and do a good job in product knowledge dissemination. 2. Create new supplies. The purpose of creating supply is to create a sustainable product supply mechanism that continuously meets market demands. Mainly through innovative means to provide consumers with a variety of products and services. 3. Innovate the supply to meet the needs of the realization of the form. First, make sure that supply is a relatively efficient supply. All agricultural production must be market-oriented, and the agricultural industry is market-oriented agriculture. Second, innovate consumers. Guide consumers to extend from the single consumption link to the agricultural industry chain, organize and encourage traditional consumers to participate in agricultural production, participate in the control of agricultural production links, and participate in the evaluation of end products. Third, create an interactive platform. To create a network interactive platform is to minimize the supply and demand black hole, accurately grasp the market demand, spread and future market. At present, the creation of Internet and WeChat communication is an effective form of supply and demand interaction.
(Original title: Future development and strategic opportunities for China's agriculture)

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