Technical measures for comprehensive dust prevention in mines

First, establish a sound dust supply system

1. Lay a dust-proof water supply pipe. The pool is built on the ground, and the underground mining face, the transportation lane, the return air lane, the coal outlet, and the unloading point are sprayed and sprinkled to purify the wind.

2. Clear the coal mine dust in the roadway and flush the coal dust around the roadway in time.

Second, comprehensive dust prevention measures for mining face

1. When drilling and blasting the working face, wet drilling should be used.

2. When blasting, use water cannon mud sealing and blasting spray to reduce the dust generated during blasting.

3. Lay a dust-proof water pipe to the work surface. Sprinkle water when loading rock (coal).

4, purify the wind, keep the work surface fresh and fresh

Third, personal protection

Workers must wear dust protection products when drilling and loading

Fourth, strengthen management

1. Strengthen leadership and establish sound dust prevention and dust control institutions and systems

2. Strengthen the work management of dust prevention and dust measurement, and incorporate dust prevention and dust measurement into the mine safety production agenda.

3. Do a good job in predicting and preventing occupational diseases.

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